As mentioned before, this data is incredible and incredibly important! But, it should carry with it a section on that state’s COVID policies regarding school closures (and possibly, policies regarding how books are removed from classrooms).
Hi! So in our earlier series on this (from 2022) we linked with closures. Still possible to do! Generally, the declines were larger in places with more closures, but the recovery rates similar.
Ah, I didn’t see that! (New subscriber). But, would be interesting to see it side by side. And, perhaps some sort of running total, a table tracking all states with losses, recovery, and closures (in comparison to where they were before the pandemic, allowing us to see who had farther to fall, too). And, I don’t know if this is possible, but international as well. If I’m not mistaken, French schools never closed, so would be interesting to see if learning loss was global (which I suspect it was).
As mentioned before, this data is incredible and incredibly important! But, it should carry with it a section on that state’s COVID policies regarding school closures (and possibly, policies regarding how books are removed from classrooms).
Hi! So in our earlier series on this (from 2022) we linked with closures. Still possible to do! Generally, the declines were larger in places with more closures, but the recovery rates similar.
Ah, I didn’t see that! (New subscriber). But, would be interesting to see it side by side. And, perhaps some sort of running total, a table tracking all states with losses, recovery, and closures (in comparison to where they were before the pandemic, allowing us to see who had farther to fall, too). And, I don’t know if this is possible, but international as well. If I’m not mistaken, French schools never closed, so would be interesting to see if learning loss was global (which I suspect it was).